Monday, April 30, 2007

My Professional goal

My professional goal is to embrace ethical leadership and diversity because of my understanding of globalization. I think the leadership strength that I present have to do with my view and knowledge of the world because injustice here is injustice everywhere. I am focusing my leadership strength to be servant leader, one who serves without seeking personal interest, but the interest for all.
In addition of my leadership strength I am to comprehend that servant leadership is a leadership approach that is suitable for the new century and organization of the future. Because the approach can result in an astonishing increase in zest, creativity and productivity while bonding people into communities of caring. Thus people are served while the organization’s mission is accomplished. However, what I learned in this course will strenghten my undersatanding of an organization's IT infrastructure and why it can play important role. Technology is important tool utilize for the better communication and to navegate in different avenue to create social changes.

Information Technology Management

The process of learning any subject in this case technology is not a process that occurs in one semester class. Even thought, before the class I have already acquire basic knowledge about technology as a tool to interchange information, it can be financial, communication and tool to for globalization. This class have increase my understanding and new avenues to use technology efficiently. Specifically, create blogger, web design, and how essential is to have IT infrastructure. Thank you and I had a marvelous experience. "Technology can be a tool for social change"

God bless

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The First Flower

Did you know that the first flower was dicovered in western China (The lily).

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Facebook a Tool in respond to the horroble tragedy

The facebook has been use as The technological resources for students across the country to send condolences to our students family at Virginia Tech. One of the positive thing about technology.

Let Our Heart Be with Virginia Tech

There are induring a horroble time. My condolences to the families and friends for this tragidy incident. Lets emulate this to build something positive in all U.S. Universities.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Who's killing Newspaper?

It is not the internet that's killing newspapers. It's the equity-chasing investors and their friends at the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) who have put outsize profits before a free press.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Crazy Couple

New York Couple got a cab to arizona. Because they don't want their cats to travel all that way in an airliner cargo hold.

Friday, April 6, 2007

World Bank

The World Bank rank and file were most upset by our recent column noting that Shaha Riza , linked romantically with bank President Paul Wolfowitz , got some curiously hefty raises upon being detailed to work at the State Department -- but remaining on the bank's payroll.
I wonder if we can run a model to see how corruption hurts the World Bank?

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

What Happens When animal Habitat is destroy?

In the show call industrialization is destroying forest and jungles. Now the animals who live in these habitat find themselves in the city. Because their house was invaded by human for constructions or others reason.

British Sailor are Free

After long three weeks finaly the Iranian Government decided to let them free after captivation. The Iran President said it was a present for the British family. The world of diplomacy can workout it self without force and achieve peaceful resolution.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Spring Break

I hope everybody stay safe and have a great Spring Break. Let Peace and Love rule the world

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Diversity and Differences

Diversity is a healthy aspect of human society. Diversity can open up possobilities, challenge us to consider alternatives, and keep us from allowing ourselves to stagnate. We need to celebrate diversity, not fear it or perceive it as a threat.

Space Arms Proliferation

Japan continues to be a leader in the development of peaceful space technology.

Buffet and Bill Gate

Buffet and Gate just proved Karl Marx right about capitalism economy. It take care the rich not the poor

FIFA World Cup going to the Motherland

For the first time in History of the game they will celebrate World Cup in Africa continent. The Women World Cup is taking place in China this summer. I cannot wait for the both events. It is the game that united all countries and cultures.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Cpapitalist economy or Mix Enonomy system

Capitalist economy is control by pravite soctor and it is a big gap between rich and poor. Besically indirect slavery. While in Mix economy the goverment control the majority of the production and private sector control the rest and there is less gap between rich and poor. You decide which system is better.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Poverty Eradication

The is no reason to have poverty in the world. It have to go.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

La Humanidad

La vida es como una trajectoria que todos los seres humanos tienen que travesarse. Pero no obstante tenemos una experiencia differente. Hay veces que quiero llorar por la humanidad, hay veces que quiero gritar, hay veces que me pongo enfadado y hay veces que estoy feliz por la humanidad.

Where was the technology when the levees Broke In New Orleans

In the technological era or advance era of technology why we didn't use techology to avoid the astrocities that happened in New Orleans?

Oprah' s Leadership Academy

Intelligent and articulate poor girls in South Africa, who's family cannot affort to pay for their high school education. Oprah mission is to create learders and a chance for an education.

Child Play Pump

A man who is using technology to make a social change in South Africa and across Africa.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Good and Bad of Technology

I just though that with all this technologies advances why can we use it to solve problems facing the world today like poverty, health, deseases, global warming, education and violence? I think technology is good and bad. The good things it has improve world communication system, medical, transportation and construction. The bad things it has create unsave world with nuclea power and nuclea weapons development, polution, ethics and moral values, criminal activities, materialisctic, hand writting perfection and human not able to reasoning for themselves.

Monday, March 26, 2007


I personally think that Western Union is a technological advance. The speed it take to send someone money in matter of minutes Any way in the world. That is marvelous and that is techonology contribution to glabalization.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Stupid in America

Did you watch the research conducted by 20/20. It is called stupid in America? It is interesting research, I recommend to watch it.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The world can be a better place

Born in Equatorial Gunea and I as child lived in Europe and as a teanager and adult live in the U.S. Love to play soccer and Tennis. The only thing that keep me happy from this destructive world is playing soccer. Humanity we can do better if we make an effort. We are the most sophisticate living thing, but we are so into interests that we forget how to be human.